Abitare a Chandigarh-Living in Chandigarh di Jeanneret Pierre; Drew Jane B.; Fry E. Maxwell; Casciato M. (cur.); Gulinello F. (cur.); Alessandrini E. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Abitare a Chandigarh-Living in Chandigarh

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This book is the result of a seminar conducted over four years. Its aim was to open up a path to understanding the meaning that the planning of the modern city had had in the more challenging phase of modernization in a large and millennial country such as India at the dawn of Independence. Chandigarh, the new capital of Indian Punjab, was the full witness of that political and cultural project. According to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru: "...the first large expression of our creative genius flowering on our newly earned freedom". In 2011 the seminar has focused on the analysis of six housing types. The objective was to make models of those houses. The workshop has involved large energies. At the same time, while making models the students have fully understood the architectural and spatial features of each house. Therefore in a process of learning through doing, paraphrasing Charles Correa, the students have been lucky to meet Chandigarh.

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